
Just Watch Me Crush PRs While Reading Manga

By Joe January 16, 2025 3 Min Read

So there I am at my local coffee shop, sipping on my lavender latte (yeah, I said it – and it’s chef’s kiss fantastic) while reading the latest volume of Jujutsu Kaisen. This middle-aged dude in a business suit keeps glancing over, doing that thing where he’s trying not to look like he’s judging but is totally judging.

Finally, he can’t help himself. “Aren’t you a bit old for those Japanese cartoons?”

I look up from my manga, take a slow sip of my perfectly frothy lavender goodness, and smile. “My guy, I just set a state record in powerlifting last week. What’s your excuse for being boring?”

The look on his face? Priceless.

See, here’s what kills me about these self-appointed masculinity police: they’re so damn worried about what other men are enjoying. Like, my guy, I’m out here deadlifting 600 pounds, running a successful business, AND reading manga in public. I rock pink shirts to business meetings because they make me look fine as hell. I get pedicures with my girlfriend because my feet deserve that luxury after crushing it at the gym.

You wanna know what real strength is? It’s not giving a single f*ck about what some random dude thinks about your hobbies. These same people who call others “sheep” are the ones following some ancient rulebook about what men can and can’t enjoy. Make it make sense!

To the guys who “used to love anime” but gave it up because “that’s what adults do” – who lied to you? Who told you you had to choose between being successful and enjoying the things that make you happy? Because let me tell you something: I’m crushing it in every area of my life WHILE being unapologetically myself.

Want to know something wild? After I dropped that powerlifting comment, suit guy got quiet, then admitted he used to collect action figures but got rid of them because “it wasn’t professional.” Man, that’s not growth – that’s surrender.

Here’s your permission slip (not that you needed it): Keep your action figures. Read your manga. Watch your anime. Paint your nails. Wear your bright colors. Get that strawberry frappe with extra whip. Do it while being a boss, while being strong, while being successful. Do it all.

The only thing you should give up is caring what narrow-minded people think about your joy.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to finish this chapter before heading to the gym to break another record. Because that’s how we do it – living life on our own terms.

takes another sip of lavender latte

Stay weird, stay strong, and most importantly, stay authentic.

P.S. To business suit guy – life’s too short for black coffee you don’t even enjoy. Try the lavender latte. It might just change your life.

#RealMenDoWhatTheyWant #PowerliftingWeeb #LavenderLatteLife #NoApologies